My new Timeline Facebook profile: Follow below steps to get this new look: 1. Search for "developers" in Facebook search bar. 2. Click allow to allow the developer apps to connect with your profile. 3. Click "+ Create New App". 4. Give App display name as Test & App namespace like you wish. (Like below image). 5. Then a security check is required. Enter the captcha in the space provide and click submit. 6. After you get into the main page like below. Click open graph in left side. 7. Now create a test action for your app. Here we are creating Watch a Movie. After entering the action click on get started button. 8. Now you are in the settings page of the newly creation action. Change some of the default settings according to your wish and click save changes and next. Again click save changes and next button and on the final page click save and finish button. 9. Wait for 4-5 Minutes and visit your home scre...
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