Well its really an interesting trick. Also an useful trick to send your data safely to your friend or lover.
By this trick you can hide a letter or a code in the image (Steganography). It has been used by Al Qaeda for communication for carrying out 911 attacks. Well if you also want such a strong security in your communication so that nobody else can interpret your messages expect the desired person then I hav a free solution for you.
By using this trick you can hide a text by without increasing its size or without reducing its quality.
Your data will encrypted in the image with RC_$ encryption plus SHA hashing. So no need to worry about it, Any one can crack this easily.
Just follow this simple steps to hide the text.
1.First download the software Image Hide.
You can download it by clicking here. (Click the link it will show the ad first after 5 seconds, Click Skip Ad. It will redirect you to the download page).
2.Its an portable soft. Open it and click load image and select the image in which you want to hide the text.
3.Then Write the data below which you wanna to hide.
4.After you write the data click write data. Then your data will be Hide in it.
5.You can also encrypt that image with password by clicking encrypt.
6.After that click save image and save it.
7.Then send your image to the person whom you wanna to send.
*Note Sending and Receiving person should have this software to encrypt and to decrypt the text in the image.
*Im providing this tricks only for educational purpose. Done misuse it.
Geek Floor is not responsible for the damage which is caused by you.
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