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Showing posts from June, 2011

How To Install Turbo C, C++ In Windows 7: (Noob Friendly)

Many people (Crazy Ppls) says that it is impossible to install Turbo C in Windows 7. Now I gonna Post a articles for that noobs, This post will explain completely how to install Turbo C in windows 7. Lets Get into the step. "This Tutorial was not made by me. All credits goes to the real author of this article" 1. Install the software DOSBox ver 0.73 : download here 2. Create a folder,for example „Turbo“ (c:\Turbo\) 3. Download and extract TC into the Turbo folder (c:\Turbo\): download here 4. Run the DOSBox 0.73 from the icon located on the desktop: 5. Type the following commands at the command prompt [Z]: mount d c:\Turbo\ [The folder TC is present inside the folder Turbo] Now you should get a message which says: Drive D is mounted as a local directory c:\Turbo\ 6. Type d: to shift to d: 7. Next follow the commands below: cd tc cd bin tc or tc.exe [This starts you the Turbo C++ 3.0] 8. In the Turbo C++ goto Options>Directories> Change the source of TC...

The Dawn Of The Zettabyte Era:

Batch Programming: Part 2:

Welcome back geeks, I hope you enjoy reading this. In this tutorial i gonna explain you how to create a batch file.  Batch Files are very powerful programs that can cause unwanted result. There are many malicious combinations that can harm your computer. They can range from erasing windows to disabling keyboard via registry etc. Most famous malicious batch program is "Fork Bomb". It opens a program repeatedly so your memory filled and eventually your computer get crashes.

Batch Programming: Part 1:

Hi Geeks, Today I gonna to explain you about the Batch Programming. Batch Files: Batch files came into notice when Microsoft Windows was introduced in 1985 and had a GUI OS/Interface. Before then, batch files were widely used to run earlier operating systems but were never recognized. Batch files back then could be executed by the Command Line Interpreter (CLI) COMMAND.COM. All operating systems before that had a text-based operating system and were designed to run on MS-DOS. Batch files significantly helped Windows operating systems. A batch file named AUTOEXEC.BAT was responsible for the automatic loading of Windows on the early versions of these operating systems. Windows batch files were used crucially in these operating systems mainly: Windows 1 Windows 2 Windows 3 Windows 95 Windows 98 Windows ME Batch files are still used as crucial bits in Windows but not as much. Yes, all this does sound confusing. But all you need to know is that batch files originated in earl...

Download Youtube, Metacafe And Facebook Videos Without Any Tools:

Are you still using a downloader software to download the online videos? Don't worry, today I gonna explain you how to download any online videos (like  Youtube, Metacafe, Dailymotion, Google and Yahoo videos) without any tools. Basically online videos website on the internet will convert your video link into a download link but it has the following drawbacks. If you already watched the whole video and you decide to download it to your computer it will take double time because you already have spent time watching it and now have to spent time to download the video in to your HDD. If you are having the slow net connection then it will totally spoil your time.  But in this trick you don't need to worry about any think, all you need to do is, first watch the video fully and then locate the cache folder of your browser in your system. When the video is streaming it'll automatically get stored in cache folder of your browser as cache file. After you watched the video fully, ...