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Have A Custom Windows 7 Logon Screen: Without Any 3rd Party Tool:

Windows 7 has the ability to change the logon background screen without the use of any third-party software. You can the logon screen by customizing OEM. To do this you need to change the value of a specific register key in registry editor. To do these first open Run (window key + R). Then type regedit in that and navigate to.

  • Then double click the OEM background in the right side and change its value to 1.
  • Choose your image to use as custom logon screen and rename that image into backgroundDefault.jpg (NOTE: The maximum size of the image is 256kb).
  • The images for these custom backgrounds are to be placed in the following directory.
  •  %windir%\system32\oobe\info\backgrounds
  • The directory doesn’t exist by default. So first navigate to %windir%\system32\oobe and then create the info and backgrounds folder manually.
  • To see the changes just log off your computer and Log back in.  
Take a look at my logon screen wallpaper:

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