We all use internet daily in our life and for some people like me it became a part of life. It's always interested to know more real facts about internet. Today I gonna share the some of the facts which I know.
1) There are 1.8 Billion website online
There are over 1.5 billion websites on the world wide web today. Of these, less than 200 million are active. The milestone of 1 billion websites was first reached in September of 2014, as confirmed by NetCraft in its October 2014 Web Server Survey and first estimated and announced by Internet Live Stats.
To see the live count of the website which being created visit Internet Live Stats.
2) 35,000+ Websites are hacked every day
Did you know? 40,000+ websites are being hacked daily in all over the world.
3) The World first website is still online
http://info.cern.ch/ is the first ever site created and it is still online and working fine. It's very basic site written with first version of HTML
4) The Trojan Room coffee pot - First webcam
The first webcam was deployed at Cambridge University computer lab in England in 1991. Its sole purpose to monitor a particular coffee maker - The Trojan Room coffee pot. To know more - Link
5) 81% Spam Mail
There are 247 Billion emails sent every day among them 81% emails are spam.
6) First Tweet
The first tweet was sent on March 21, 2006 by Jack Dorsey CEO of Twitter.
7) First Youtube Video
Daily many videos were being uploaded in Youtube. Have you ever wonder what was the first video uploaded in Youtube? Here you go... This is the first video which was uploaded in Youtube with 49,590,498+ Views
8) This is how Google Looked in its early days
Google's original homepage had a simple design because the company founders had little experience in HTML, the markup language used for designing web pages.
9) Amazon Logo Secret
Every company logo has some hidden message in it. The Amazon logo is indicating you can get everything from A to Z (look at the arrow):
10) The WWW Computer
Tim Berners-Lee the creator of WWW(World Wide Web) used below computer to create WWW.
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